The Mission
The mission is to help people lose their fear of English study.
I remember my own fear of not being able to write as well as my classmates; my fear of not being able to understand literature as deeply as they did; and my horror at my own inability to teach grammar to my first set of students.
In the last 32 years I have learned how to teach the power of grammar; I have sharpened and deepened my analytical abilities; and I have tamed my fears about my English abilities. I want to help you do the same.
I’m new at this online English thing, but a veteran of teaching English to others. I’ve helped thousands of students analyze, understand, and wield the power of English. This site is so that I may help others.
Though prompted by the needs of my friends and family for their own children currently out of school because of the corona virus epidemic, the idea has been in my mind for 8 years, the lessons refined over 20. I place them here in hopes that they will help you.
I ask only if you find the lessons helpful, and if you have the means to do so, you donate what you can so I might use my time to create more content for you here online and soon in cinematic virtual reality.